At this year’s virtual Conference on Advancing Transportation Equity, Cambridge Systematics’ (CS) Dr. Paul Sorensen will join the technical session, “COVID-19 Impacts on Public Transit Service and Road Space”. Scheduled for 11am-12:15pm ET on Thursday, September 9th. He will present with Tanya Kellam of 2-1-1 Ventura County (CA), offering lessons learned in connecting vulnerable populations to essential services through a pandemic in Southern California. Fellow panelists promise to deliver a diversity of practical insights, covering topics including:
Inclusive community engagement in a socially distanced world;
Transit service and ridership changes; and
The impact of COVID-19 on transportation for individuals who are visually impaired;
CS’ National Director of Transit & Shared Mobility, Herbert Higginbotham, will also present during this session, delivering insights into using equity and data to guide transit service recovery.
Paul will contribute to another technical session later in the conference titled “Mobility on Demand: Accessibility, Inclusivity, and Equity”. Co-presenting alongside Utah Transit Authority’s (UTA) Clint Wilkinson, he will offer lessons learned from an initiative to automate volunteer driver reimbursement programs. Fellow session presenters will add to the broader discussion, addressing Title VI and equity analysis, increasing inclusivity of shared micro-mobility systems and case studies in efforts towards universal MOD access in Los Angeles, CA and Puget Sound, WA. The session is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14th from 11:30am-12:45pm ET.
Dr. Paul Sorensen is a Principal and Senior Software Project Manager at CS with more than 20 years of experience in software management, design and development along with transportation policy, planning and logistics research and analysis. He leads some of our clients’ most ambitious and technically complex projects that pair software and technical solutions to address real world challenges to accessible mobility.
We hope you’ll join us – virtually – at the conference!